curated by Vera Viselli

curated by Vera Viselli
Vera Viselli
Flesh and Bone
Moira Walley-Beckett, Usa, 2015 (1st season, 8 episodes)
Who’s waiting for a series (which came a little late, maybe) in the style of The Company di R. Altman, be careful: Claire Robbins, the young ballerina which leaves Pittsburgh to reach New York and join the American Ballet Company, is not a featureless character as the result obtained by Altman.
Jamila Campagna
At this time one year ago, the Ice bucket challenge went viral and through this idea celebrities helped out to reach a big amount of economical donation for the research on ALS. during that time, the american songwriter Joe D’Urso came to Latina (Italy) for a date of his Italian tour and decided to offer his music to support AVIS, the blood donation association, getting involved in a deeper way. Joe, whose attitude for organizing charity and socially involved concerts is well known, came to play with the Italian musician Andrea Montecalvo e Tony Montecalvo (formers of the band The Backstreets, they always support Joe on his Italian tours). When we met he received me with a big smile and greeted me as an old friend. He’s tough and gentle at the same time and you would say he’s got the look of a good giant you would surely trust in. So here we go… … JOE D’URSO // WHEN MUSIC CROSSES COUNTRIES