curated by Vera Viselli

curated by Vera Viselli
Vera Viselli
It’s June 6th 2013 when the Datagate case explodes in USA: through the investigative report made by Glenn Greenwald (journalist of The Guardian) several details about the National Security Agency mass surveillance actions have been revealed. These actions belong to a monumental surveillance program organized by the Five Eyes: the five powerful secret agencies of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, USA and United Kingdom. Millions of users worldwide are continuously supervised through Prism, Tempora, Boundless Informant, XKeyscore, Dropmine, Turbine (softwares e botnets pre-installed in servers and devices before they are available for customers) that penetrate in social networks, games and other kind of platforms. The author of these rivelations is Edward Snowden, former CIA’s technician and cooperator of the Booz Allen Hamilton (company of information technology, NSA consultant) till June 10th 2013.