Tag: gig

Jamila Campagna
At this time one year ago, the Ice bucket challenge went viral and through this idea celebrities helped out to reach a big amount of economical donation for the research on ALS. during that time, the american songwriter Joe D’Urso came to Latina (Italy) for a date of his Italian tour and decided to offer his music to support AVIS, the blood donation association, getting involved in a deeper way. Joe, whose attitude for organizing charity and socially involved concerts is well known, came to play with the Italian musician Andrea Montecalvo e Tony Montecalvo (formers of the band The Backstreets, they always support Joe on his Italian tours). When we met he received me with a big smile and greeted me as an old friend. He’s tough and gentle at the same time and you would say he’s got the look of a good giant you would surely trust in. So here we go… … JOE D’URSO // WHEN MUSIC CROSSES COUNTRIES
by the editorial staff
The Foo Fighters’ song Learn to fly is based on the enthusiasm, it’s a hymn about the courage to put oneself to the test, the will to learn; it’s a love song for a person who is the person, as if the feeling was the access key to our own interior growth; it’s a love song for the life, a shouted prayer. It’s a jump in the emptiness, stamp the ground to restate the desire of knowing ourselves to get then a place in the world, a listened to voice. … ROCKIN’1000 // ROMAGNA CALLING THE FOO FIGHTERS