curated by Vera Viselli

curated by Vera Viselli
curated by Vera Viselli
curated by Vera Viselli
Vera Viselli
Quentin Tarantino, Usa, 2015
Two hours e 47 minutes stretched in 6 chapters (yes, in a Kill Bill style) to tell about eight criminals and two coaches stuck in a lodging-house immersed in the snow.
… Dromoscopia // THE HATEFUL EIGHT
Vera Viselli
Flesh and Bone
Moira Walley-Beckett, Usa, 2015 (1st season, 8 episodes)
Who’s waiting for a series (which came a little late, maybe) in the style of The Company di R. Altman, be careful: Claire Robbins, the young ballerina which leaves Pittsburgh to reach New York and join the American Ballet Company, is not a featureless character as the result obtained by Altman.