In view of the event-exhibition dedicated to Ambrogio Lorenzetti, planned for 2017 by the local Administration of Siena (Italy), the city – that keeps about 70% of the works attributed to the Thirteenth century famous artist – will host a number of initiatives aimed to give a deeper acknowledgement of Lorenzetti’s artistic production.

A big financial and scientific-historical investment is reserved to the works restoration: diagnostic investigations, conservation interventetions and restorations will be done on various artworks, considering case by case. In particular are under observation the frescos of San Galgano chapel in Montesiepi and the polyptych of San Pietro in Castelvecchio’s church in Siena.
For the occasion a working site of “open restoration” has been set up in the spaces of Santa Maria della Scala old hospital: a work in progress that can be visited by the local people and the tourists so to captivate the interest of a bigger audience, not only for the wonderful exhibited works but expecially towards the fundamental activities of conservation and valorization of the artistic-historical heritage.
In 2016 restoration works will go on with the opening of other two work in progress that will give attention to more Lorenzetti’s pictorial works, in San Francesco and in Sant’Agostino‘s churches (Siena, Italy).

- Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Madonna col Bambino tra San Pietro, San Paolo, una Santa martire e San Michele Arcangelo, tempera su tavola, Siena, Chiesa di San Pietro in Castelvecchio La Madonna col Bambino in una fotografia a luce ultravioletta. Con questa tecnica di ripresa si recupera molto del filamentoso tracciato pittorico col quale era ottenuto il velo del soggolo. (foto Marcello Formichi, Soprintendenza Belle Arti e Paesaggio di Siena, Grosseto e Arezzo, 2015)

Complesso museale Santa Maria della Scala, Siena (Italy)
From 5th December 2015
curated by
Alessandro Bagnoli, Art History director of Soprintendenza Belle Arti e Paesaggio of Siena, Grosseto and Arezzo (Itally); professor of History and Methodologies of Conservation at the University of Studies of Siena; Roberto Bartalini, professor of Medieval Art History at Siena University; Max Seidel, professor of Medieval Art History at the Universities of Gottinga and Heidelberg, emeritus director of Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz/Max-Planck- Gesellschaft.
From 7th January to 15th April
mon., wed., thur., fri. 10.30h-16.30h
sat.-sun. 10.30h-18.30h
closed on Tuesdays, except on 28th march (open 10.30h-18.30h)
Info: Opera – Civita Group
Call center 0577 286300 (from mon. to fri. 9.00h-17.00h)
Cover: Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Maestà e Storie di San Galgano, affreschi strappati, dalla chiesa di San Galgano a Montesiepi (Chiusdino).